

About the show

Each episode on the investment Immigration Podcast by Uglobal.com host Salman Siddiqui sits down with leading proffessionals, attorneys, thought leaders and government officials to discuss the latest developments impacting citizenship and residency by investment. Wether you´re someone who takes part in cross’border transactiones, works in the investment immigration community or are personally interested in participating in citizenship or residency investment, tune each week to the Investment Immigration podcast to stay up to date on what´s happening in the investment immigration world.

About the host

Salman Siddiqui is the host of Uglobal’s The Investment Immigration Podcast series. Siddiqui is a versatile storyteller and embodies the spirit of a true global citizen. His own immigration journey took him to many places around the world, including the UK, Cyprus, Turkey, and Qatar. He has written dozens of in-depth articles and features on global investment immigration programs for the Uglobal Immigration Magazine and website. He is a journalist and creative content editor by training. He earned his master’s in arts degree from SOAS, University of London. He is currently based in Berlin, Germany.

Salman Siddiqui

Episode Transcript

Venkateswaran: New Zealand always, as you know, is one of the attractive investing

areas. People like to come to New Zealand like New Zealand has its own charm,

attracting people since pandemic situation is over and then there has been a little bit of

difficulty in various people in other countries. New Zealand found it to be very attractive

for many people and, for example, recently we have seen a huge jump, I would say

from the difference between what it was in July and what it is now, now it has jumped

about ten times.

Salman: Welcome to the investment immigration podcast by Uglobal.com. With weekly

in-depth interviews with the world's. Leading investment immigration professionals.

Welcome to the show, everyone. Today we are going to talk about New Zealand's

program. And there's been a lot of buzz about the new visa category that they recently

launched. It's called the Active Investor Plus. So we're going to talk about that. We're

also going to talk about what's going to happen to the other visa categories that they

have for investment, immigration. There's a lot of things to unpack there. And today I'm

glad that we have somebody who can explain all the details to us. We have all the way

from India with us. Our podcast guest, Venkateswaran Palat Krishnan. He's an

immigration attorney. He's currently with the Ven Waran legal Service based in

Melbourne. He is going to unpack everything for us about what's been happening in

New Zealand, which he also covers as part of his legal practice. So welcome to the

show. Venka.

Venkateswaran: Thank you for inviting me. I'm happy to share all my experience.

Thank you.

Salman: Fantastic. So we're going to go right into the heart of the matter. Firstly, people

want to know, is New Zealand open for business? Because it's one of the very few

countries which closed for such a long time during COVID?

Venkateswaran: Yes, of course, you're right that New Zealand was on the defensive

mode and they closed the entire borders for a very long time, actually even longer than

Australia for some reason. But however, now you'll be surprised to know that they are

fully open and they don't even want you to declare even when you enter the country. So

that's become the current scenario and post pandemic. Now they are vigorously hunting

for visas as well as they are open for business any sort. Absolutely cool scene now. No

problem at all.

Salman: Right. And could you also tell us, what does that mean That has it completely

open? Is it fully open? Does it mean that you no longer need quarantine, you're no

longer need a PCR test? What does this mean?

Venkateswaran: Generally, what it speaks is generally there's no really, you don't have

to declare even about COVID 19. There's no need of any proof of COVID 19 vaccination

when you enter the country. However, if they have doubts or if they have doubts, then

they can do rapid antigen test or whatever they are, that they can't stay. They take it

case by case basis only if they suspect or if you feel sick or somebody feels sick and

they want to as a proactive, pretty cautious approach, that's all. But otherwise, there's

absolutely no requirement. Only the airlines, because they travel to various countries

and other countries may have different system. So airlines may still insist you for certain

COVID thing, but not New Zealand government. New Zealand government no longer

requires you to declare even about any COVID 19 vaccination proof or you don't have to

declare anything. So that is open there.

Salman: That's really good news, and especially for a lot of visitors, and especially the

investors who are keenly looking at New Zealand as an investment immigration point.

But tell me before we move on about what's the new things happening there, I want to

understand also from you the impact on investment, immigration and New Zealand ever

since the country fully reopened its borders. Are you seeing a lot of activity in the space

that are getting a lot of enquiries?

Venkateswaran: Of course, New Zealand always, as you know, is one of the attractive

investing areas. People like to come to New Zealand like similar to USA or Australia.

New Zealand has its own charm, attracting people, especially from Asian region. Many

people wanted to come to New Zealand since pandemic situation is over and then there

has been a little bit of difficulty in various people in other countries. New Zealand found

it to be very attractive for many people and if it continues to grow forever, actually, for

example, recently we have seen a huge jump, I would say from the difference between

what it was in July and what it is now, you will say at least. I mean, those days the

inquiries were very low, probably hardly 3 to 4. Now it has jumped about ten times. That

is the level of demand. People look at New Zealand.

Salman: Wow. So that goes to show a lot of people wanted to come to New Zealand.

They just didn't have the option during the pandemic.

Venkateswaran: Exactly. Exactly right.

Salman: And what's been the impact of this whole COVID era on the region itself? I

mean, especially in terms of investment immigration? Is it right to say that it completely

stopped during this period?

Venkateswaran: Absolutely right, because the investment requires it's a huge

investment when people want to invest. Previously it was one and two premium, one

and two visas, 3 million and 10 million was the investment. People want to know where

they want to invest. That's the important factor. People do not want to invest blindly and

every country also wants the investors to see what exactly they can offer. And that's

what it is when people aren't able to come to the country and see how they can invest,

that hindered the whole program. So that's really a huge block. Even for the

government, for the investor, for everyone. Actually, whoever is involved in the entire

process. There are many people in government offices who actually catered only for

investment visas. All that has to unfortunately come to total stop. So investors could not

come in because they cannot even see where they can invest, what sort of investment

they can make. I'm going to invest 10 million, what sort of business I can look for

absolutely no where because it's completely stopped. Although officially they did not

stop investors one and two visas from applying, actually.

Salman: Right. Right.

Venkateswaran: They only stop the EOI for skilled migration, whereas the investment

visa, they did not do anything officially. But however, they cannot travel. That's the

problem. They cannot travel to New Zealand and find out what they can do. So that

indirectly gave a total blockage for two years. It's been a really a tough time, especially

the regional areas, because some regional areas did want some people invest. Actually,

for example, there may be many hospitality related industry seeks more investment and

it really suffered a lot. Probably you would hear now that people there is not even many

people even get employed because there was no growth to suffer quite a lot for two

years is a very long time for New Zealand actually.

Salman: Yeah, that's true. And but now, as you say, everything has fully reopened. So

let's see what's going to happen now. And it's been in the news that New Zealand has

launched a new visa category called Active Investor Plus. So could you please tell our

listeners about this, especially when it was launched? What is the minimum investment

threshold for it? Who can apply for it?

Venkateswaran: Yes, that's a good question. Actually. Actually, the new visa is called

Active Investor Plus, as the name suggests, is active investment. So you cannot just

invest and be alone away. You are expected to be active, which contributes to the

economy. That's what they decided to have rather than people put some passive

investment which does not yield for anything. It doesn't give any benefit to anyone, not

only to the investor, it doesn't give any benefit to anyone, which they don't want to have

it on the other hand, they want it to be an active investment in the sense where there

are returns economic activities on, whereas the host country as well as the investor,

both are getting benefit out of it. So this active investment visa started in September

actually around 22nd, September 2022, only very recently 20th of September, I think it's

20 or something like that. Very recently they started from that onwards. You and

anybody can apply, what does that imply? Is that your investments, depending on what

type you want to invest, if you remind you want to be very active, you need to invest

even less. For example, this visa is actually the requirement is 15 million. 15 million is

the investment total requirement actually. On the other hand, you want to be an active

investor. That is, you are having your own private investment and you are going to

contribute that because you are going to have a private investment, you will have a

business activity whereby you will be employing people that will also be active.

Venkateswaran: In that case, you need to invest only one third of it. You will be given

weightage for your investment where you need to invest only 5 million instead of 15

million. You need to invest only 5 million for investing in your own business. That means

if you're investing in your business means you're going to be active and rather you are

going to actively contributing to the economy as well as people around you will get

employed. Everybody there is also indirect business to others also. So that is why it is.

On the other hand, imagine you're putting on a passive investment just on a share or

any market. Only those people will be getting some investment. Whereas you for an

active investment, the indirect proportion of the direct employment in that benefit, other

industries also survive. Along with that. For example, having IT mall, you have a food

market inside, you have others coming inside. Similarly, that's why people I mean the

government is very clear now. They want this active investors. These are to be

promoted rather than the old style of visa. That's the difference between these two.

Salman: Okay, that's interesting. But just to be clear, so what are you saying? The

investment threshold has been increased by the government?

Venkateswaran: Yeah, previously it was 3 and 10 million. Now it is 15 million.

However, previously there was no concession. You you have to invest the full amount.

Now there is a normal concession was there you could get about about say around 25%

concession you used to get. If you are investing in certain areas like growth areas, you

get some concessions of this of 3 million, you get half a million concession. You used to

give only 2.5 million. That's the only concession. Now, the concession is different. Since

you're going to be active investor, that means you're not going to choose totally on

bonds, you're not going to choose on philanthropic or you're not going to choose on any

share market. On the other hand, you're going to have a private investment where you

invest on your own business value are going to contribute. You need to invest only one

third. The weightage is given for a dollar. $1 is equal to, for example, $3. That's what it

is. On the other hand, you invest in managed funds in the sense that some other

companies is there you are. You are just joining the company, investing in that.

Company which manages funds for business, active business. That case you get only

$2, for example, a $1 is equal to $2. On the other hand, you just went to the share

market and invested in the shares.

Venkateswaran: It's equal to only $1. So by putting in a sort of a more or less sort of a

passive investment on a bond or a share market, you could only $1 equal. On the other

hand, you invest on a managed funds. That is some other company somebody is

managing, they run a business and you are going and joining them. That means you get

$1 is $2. Your weightage is $2. $1 is equal to $2, whereas on the other hand, you invest

on private investment where private business you are going to put that means you get 1

is to 3. So what does it mean? Instead of 15 million, each dollar is going to be thrice.

That means you need to put only of five millions. If you are putting on your own

business, if you are going through the managed funds where somebody else is having a

business, they are running it properly and you are going to join them, hence investing in

them. You need to invest one is two in the seven and a half million. That's is 15 million.

On the other hand, you are choosing the safest method of without putting any activity or

the safest method of bonds or any other shares going to the share market and

purchasing. That means you are to invest the entire 15 million.

Salman: Okay, So I understand this way You have explained how in practicality, it

doesn't mean that you have to immediately put in 15 million in your investment, but at

the same time, it also means that the government will only allow investors who have at

least that much of investment money with them. So there is a threshold that they will

they are looking for wealthier investors, isn't it?

Venkateswaran: And that is no doubt about that. This is a particular investment news

and it's very clear that the person who is investing this much money, if it is 5 million or 5

million or 10 million, whatever, whatever if they're going for euro investment, that is fine.

You must have that money. You must in fact declare where this money is coming from

and that money only you should be in a position to transfer. Without that, however, they

give some time. You don't have to transfer the entire money immediately. You are given

that within the third six months you initially you transfer about out of say, 50 million, you

transfer about 7.5 million in one side and then after some another 18 months you

transfer a little bit. After some more time, you transfer the remaining like that. Before

that 48 months you should be having the entire thing. Then only your permanent visa

will be confirmed. So you'll be tracked for what, 48 months, whether you are doing all

this investment, you can do it a little bit phase by. It's not instantly you bring in,

obviously because you are looking to the what sort of market you are in, what sort of

investment you are to make. So all that you can do accordingly can invest. However,

you must declare where the money is coming from. And it should be very clear.

Salman: Of course! The due diligence has to be there, right.

Venkateswaran: Yes! There's no doubt about that, sir. That's exactly right. If that is not

there, then you're not going to really succeed with the New Zealand business. Although

they are flexible with the various types of investment you can have or various types of

ownership, you can have, but you should have the ownership, it should be under your

disposal, you should have the control on that money and be able to immediately do. I

mean, once you're granted the visa, you should be immediately able to transfer

accordingly, whatever you agree. So if that is not there, unfortunately for that cannot

happen. So it has to be pre worked, not after. So before we even apply for the visa or

not to pre work valid. So for example, this is a confusion. Many people, especially

people from regions like India where you have family owned property, you maybe will

the person, but it's a family owned structure and you may not be in a position to

distinguish yourself from that particular property. So such people will have a certain

difficulty and need to clearly prove that this much I own. This is under totally under my

control and I'll be able to. That's where it comes to, although you can have various types

of property, but it's up to you to prove that you have the total control and you'll be in a

position to transfer at a particular point of time.

Salman: I understand now coming back to this point about ownership. So you

mentioned that this is an active component in the visa. Like they are going to focus on

investors who are interested in being an active participant in the business. So what

does the applicant need to do? So what the applicants need to have direct ownership in

a business entity to qualify for this visa? What are the other options apart from that?

Venkateswaran: See, if you are if you're having direct ownership, you can only need to

invest only 5 million. On the other hand, you joined somebody else as a managed

funds. They have the funds. You just join them, sort of manage funds. In that case, you

need to invest 10 million.

Salman: How do you do that? Like, how do they go about this?

Venkateswaran: So one way you can do various ways people can do one is that if you

are investing on your own, you need to unfortunately go through, understand the market

straightaway. You need to know what is the market, where you're going to go, what sort

of products you are going to sell. Are you really going to make? For example, make

export oriented business. That's what you're going to do. What sort of business? How

would that can be possible? All these studies one had to go through. Fortunately, that's

where the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and the NZTE New Zealand Trade and

Enterprise comes in to help what they do. They sit with the investors, they understand

what exactly your requirements are. They were able to provide the market details from

entire Australia and every pocket of New Zealand they'll be able to provide you. This is

what the market in this region. These are the products which we are having. In fact you

want to further export. They help you with the exports. They also help you with tying up

with various local businesses what they want so you do take help of these people. Or

similarly, there are a couple of other organizations who are private. They can also take

them if you trust them. There are also many private consultants who can do this one for

you apart from this government one, this is a purely government body. We also have

various regional governments, government and regional offices. Also, they are also

ready to help you. So we have to take the help of these people so that you are aware.

What are you going to do with this money that you can do? Exactly. In fact, for example,

or even for example, you want to invest in a particular existing business, you need to

know that market, but it is going to take you up. So these, for example, NZTE, the New

Zealand Trade and Enterprise, they will help you to really provide you with all the data,

in fact, including the connections where you want to go. You should be, for example, if

that needs ... If you are in a development area and you want a license, they help you

with a license, also. They will tell you how to set up how to set up your company in New

Zealand and what sort of documentation you should maintain, what sort of periodical

inspection you'll be having, what sort of registration and licensing you require. What

should be done? So all this help is available only a little bit to seek, but it's possible.

Salman: So you what you're saying is that no matter the route I take, whether it's direct

ownership in a business or through a managed fund, it all goes through the New

Zealand Trade and Enterprise body, which is a government body, and I would need that

approval to go ahead. So the government approves every single step.

Venkateswaran: Not exactly like that. What I'm saying is that this body helps you to

reach in a proper way. So if you use this, then you are more assured that your steps are

correct. That's what I'm saying. You'll really find that place, not just just because you're

taking the help of them. Not necessarily. Whatever your given details is correct, that is

your detail. Your due diligence is separate. On the other hand, these these people help

you with the connecting the market. Their job is to help you to survive, help you to

understand New Zealand, help you to provide you with the information and connections

that you want. I am having, for example,5-10 million. It's my job to have the 10 million

with me and to prove that I have the 10 million. On the other hand, these New Zealand

trade enterprises, they will help me where I can invest, what sort of investment help me

to get the visa out for the including that area. This will help you for this one. These are

the areas. These are the potential market. This is the market size. This is the way you

can work. These are the bodies you can approach, all that they will do just like our own


Salman: But I need an approval from this government body. Or is it just an assistance

body that I can. It's an optional thing.

Venkateswaran: If you have appropriate things, everything on you, you can straight

away lodge in your expression of interest. Expression of interest does not say you must

compulsorily go through all these bodies. It's only expression of interest you are


Salman: But it's recommended.

Venkateswaran: Absolutely recommended. You are right. You know I'm investing huge

money. And will I, If I do not know what the market is there, I'm going to convince this

officer or anybody else, is it not? It's not just having money. Have I done the business? I

have done what it is. have I taken care of what I'm going to do, is it not? So these sort of

body helps you. Fortunately, this is a government body. It's not it's not a private body.

It's a government body. That's it for free.

Salman: Right. And this government body has been recently set up specifically for this

active investor plus visa, or was this like always.

Venkateswaran: Been there for since 2003? As far as I know, 2013 or something like

that. They have been active, according to me. But this visa is recent, so this visa

actually combines that one. They've been doing this sort of help even before, even

when they were investors. One and two was they they are helping because I think they

are there from 2013 or something like that. They've been there for some time, not too

recent. However, this sort of help for this visa especially has become added to their sort

of services they have.

Salman: Okay. But there are some investors who like to have the choice of investment.

And to some, this may also come across as you know, there's an involvement of a

government organization. And what I want to understand from you is what choices do

the investors have under the new rules like which businesses they can put their money

in, especially if it is not on a government approved list of projects?

Venkateswaran: Yes, it's a very good question, actually, because what should be your

approved invest? You can't just invest blindly on anything and you'll be put back. You

are right. If it is for a personal use of the applicant straight away, you will not be granted,

is it not? You cannot. It should be on commercial viable. There has to be commercial

flavor for the entire investment. So if that does not have a commercial, for example are

using you are buying a residential property for yourself, that's not going to be an

acceptable investment. Similarly, the investment has to be in New Zealand currency

and it has to have for example, it has to have a listed equities or investing in equities

and equities should be listed properly, so it should be New Zealand company. I can't

invest in some company, although it may be in New Zealand. It's not a New Zealand

company. Then you will not be able to. That investment will not be accepted. That's

what it is. It has to be simple it has to put it this way. It has to have a commercial return

for sure, should be invested in New Zealand, should be invested in New Zealand


Venkateswaran: And even if it is managed funds, for example, investing in some

company where it is that company has to be a New Zealand company for sure, and

ultimately there has to be some contribution from the entire investment to the New

Zealand economy, for example. It has got some time. It cannot be passive investment

except philanthropic investment. That's acceptable, except that all of the investment, it

cannot have sort of something. It has to happen. It cannot be for personal use, including

home bought car. It cannot be however, it can be bonds, equities, it can be not all

properties are allowed. The properties should be for commercial purpose only. Personal

properties are again not allowed. And even this commercial property, it should be

through the managed funds, not direct. You cannot directly go and own any commercial

property. It can be through managed funds. You invest in a company which has got

managed funds. That company with that management, only 20% is for the property

actually. So some limitation is there. So you cannot straight away put everything in one


Salman: There's also one more requirement that I read, which is the language

requirement is also there, isn't it?

Venkateswaran: The language requirement is there, which is generally a very normal

and it's not a very impossible task to meet.

Salman: There are so many investors who are they find that requirement of. There's an

IELTS test that you have to give.

Venkateswaran: Some people who do not have can go for some coaching that is there

for all the investors are allowed to go through. Some small English coaching is allowed

if you do not, if you're absolutely below certain level, that is, you don't have to be really

so fluent in English actually, but a little bit. Yes, you are able to understand. Then you

are to go by an English course where you have to go through that English course and

you can complete it.

Salman: Right. I want to also touch on this topic about I'm reading some criticism online

about this new visa category. There are some people who have been saying that it's

been rushed through, that the systems needed to support it haven't been up to the

mark. What's your view? And have you heard of problems from your clients on this?

Venkateswaran: Definitely. There is a little bit of a problem, not much, but I'll say any

new visa comes first of all, that the criticism that is absolutely clear because we are in

the old system where we are clear, this is what it is because the 10 million investment

had not much of an issue. Actually, the 10 million had no boundaries, no minimum

nothing. It was just sort of a free flow, especially if you are investing 10 million now it is

15 million. And there are some classes very clearly given. You must only invest here.

You must only invest in approved things. You cannot invest in property, for example. So

this will obviously create some sort of an issue with people who had that mind that this

is where I want to be. Whereas now that's not there. Also, a little bit of there's a teething

problem because currently everything is online, there's no need of any paperwork. So

this creates a little bit of not it's fully operational. Seriously. The only plus point is that

fortunately the New Zealand, the call center works very well and you call them. And if

you are a migration agent or lawyer, they respond properly. That's the only way. But

there are issues, teething problems happening. And with regard to the investment,

because from 10 million it is raised to 15 million. So that is that will become a little bit of

difficulty for many people. Otherwise, to me this is a little bit better. Why means because

you can be on your own. For example, previously there was no such provision actually.

Here If you are on your own, you are able to invest only half a million, which is very,

very important because I have only half a million now. If I'm ready to take the challenge

of investing and being active in that business, I need only 5 million. I don't need to be at

the 10 million. So there is an advantage for people who look into that.

Salman: By half million, you probably meant 5 million, right?

Venkateswaran: From 5 million. Sorry. Sorry. 5 million. Five.

Salman: Half million will be too good to be true.

Venkateswaran: Yeah. Everybody will come now. Everybody will come to 5 million

since it's only 5 million compared to the 15 million, I'm getting 10 million as a reduction,

which is unbelievable, is it not? Which is not there even earlier. So that is actually a big

bonus for people really want to be that one. Of course, the teething problem will be

there because those who are planned 10 million totally on the 10 million totally on the

shares and investments, now they are to look at 15 million if they want to produce the

same type of result. That's the thing. If you are only going through investing in shares

and equities, then from 10 million now we are unfortunately raised to 15 million. So

these people will definitely feel it be a big pinch because it's just another 50% extra. On

the other hand, the people who thought that, you know where you are to put in the

shares and think, I've learned my own business, I want to do something. On that case

and these people are now far better off. They just have a lot more in hand. Only they

need to invest 5 million. So that's where the unpleasant minuses are there. Yes, this will

take some time until by days will tell them whether they will come out with the new visas

as well. Any other subclasses as well? We don't know not at this point in time. Only one

visa is available now. There's no other no other investment is available in New Zealand

at this point of time. Only this.

Salman: I see.

Venkateswaran: So however, it's only very new anyway. And now only the pandemic is

over. Everything is now focused on these areas. Now, hopefully, you know, as time

goes away and there is some more issues have phased, I'm sure government will come

out with more suggestions or at least either changes in the same visa or additional visa

to accommodate these changes. I'm sure about that

Salman: And you could also tell us what will happen to the previous visa category, like

the Investor one and two applicants, what will happen to them?

Venkateswaran: It's a very good question. You called me because it's very important

question. Why? Because they applied last two years and probably some are not even

selected still in the process. So that's a beautiful question because many people left the

doubt because my investment at that time, only 3 million now the requirement has

increased to 15 million, is it not? So it has become real complicated. And previously

they were planning to invest only on shares. Now, if you are unable to invest what says

you are, look for active investment. So fortunate thing is that those who applied before

27th of July. 27th of July is where they stop taking further investor one and two. So you

cannot apply after that. Those who applied before that, fortunately they will continue to

process under the old whatever be the regulations at the time until it is fully processed.

Some people are still in the processing because they wanted more documents, they

want more due diligence. It will be it's really the process probably delayed only because

of want of documentation, not for others. The most of you have completed most of the, I

think recent services that were completed the most of the pending case except a few.

Those people because they are on the due diligence or reach of some more

documentation, some more things. Once that is over, then you'll be in a position to be

granted the visa under the old system. I think so, because they stop very clearly after

they are not taking applications at all. So all the new new applications after the July 27th

date are all compulsorily included only in the this active investors visa. So that's the

difference. So that's where you can be very confident that you are not going to be

affected on that.

Salman: Okay. I also want to touch I mean, you are coming close to the show end of

the episode. So if you could just briefly also talk about the skilled migrant and parent

resident programs. I've heard that they are now also fully operational after the brief

pause during the pandemic. I want to understand here the vision of the of the

government here. It feels like they're trying to encourage more highly skilled workers to

come to New Zealand, and they are providing these kind of incentives. But there's also

a lot of competition, especially from Australia. Skilled workers are going to the UK,

Canada, so why should they consider New Zealand or similar programs in your view?

Venkateswaran: Very relevant and straight to the point you asked. So one of the

fantastic and perfect question to be asked these days first thing to come. First, I will

cover what New Zealand is doing today and then I will say the comparison. New

Zealand currently opened out the skilled market totally. In fact, whoever have applied

earlier, they did not select anybody for the last two years. And number 14, they opened

out whoever qualified. All the people who are 160 points were called. All of them were

given their including all my clients also had 160 points were given the invitation so they

did not submit who is bad is good. Nothing straight away. All of them. In fact, they went

one step ahead and said, Even if you have not appeared for your English IELTS test,

which is compulsory, no problem. You say that you're going to take shortly and you can

apply. You can still complete the EOI. So I just people who took a risk saying that am I

will ensure that this is ready. I am not yet done, but I will get this one ready before the

four months time. If I am invited within four months, I'm ready to take that risk and all of

them got invited so that way New Zealand has been very kind that even if you have not

done your work, even if not if ready to complete it in the four months time since you will

be invited, you'll have four months time to apply for visa so all of them can apply.

Venkateswaran: So the status is selected from the EOI all on 60. I think 6500 of all

applicants have been straightaway selected actually. So that is one of the biggest intake

actually ever here from New Zealand. So for a small country like New Zealand, they

immediately offered that's what is happening now. In fact, they even went and said,

although they increase the points slightly to 180, but they made it very clear those who

get 180 points will be invited in January, January 18th or something. They are proposing

the next one. They have said very clearly those who get 180 will be straightaway to be

selected. So that one thing is made very clear. So New Zealand is now currently inviting

another advantage now coming to the employment area. Those who are employed in

New Zealand can also apply straight away to work to residence. There is a pathway is

available, so that is in spite of whether you work on a contract basis or whatever it is. All

they look at a certain level of your average, which is just above the average level of

income. If you just have a little bit above average level of income, you are still able to

lodge your permanent residence visa. So getting a job itself is going to give another big

boost that you can straightaway apply for your visa. So that is another plus point. In fact,

out of 150 points. If you have a job offer, 50 point straightaway comes to you.

Venkateswaran: If a skilled migration without using this pathway skilled migration

category, you can also choose your own path where work in residence straight away.

So this is one way is they are covering the entire portion.

Salman: Right.

Venkateswaran: Comparing to the comparison. Now, that's a beautiful question you

asked me. What is the advantage compared to Australia, Canada and other countries?

The key important is that, for example, in order to qualify for Australia or even Canada, I

need to be competing with several people. And if even if I suppose I get 413 for the

Canada in selection, if I do not have 480, if the others will have 480 to 490, they will be

selected and then I will not be selected. On the other hand, with same with Australia.

Australia is now 65 points for migration. If you do not, even if you have 65, 70, and even

if you have 80, what happens is that there's a capping for each occupation. Each

occupation will allow only certain number of people selected it. IT 10,000, for example,

just say 8,000 doctors, 5000, whatever. So what happens? The highest points. When

will get selected? So you're 90, 95 you'll be getting selected. Suppose you are 75 until

yesterday. You last one year you have been there 75. Suddenly yesterday one person

lodged a visa with the 95 will jump the queue and you'll be selected. On the other hand,

New Zealand you're sure 180 points you've earned, you are going to be selected.

Salman: Right.

Venkateswaran: So that's a clear cut, you know, beforehand that you're not going

whether I will be selected, I do not be selected. You do not have to look at the gamble.

The gamble helps many people put in fear and make and cash. You also. Other sub

agents and other people here. That is not that's not required at all. Because you know

very well if you have you are going to be selected not you may not be selected. That's


Salman: Okay good. So it's a more clear cut.

Venkateswaran: More clear cut, of course, very clear cut. Whereas that is not the case

with whether it's Canada or even Australia for that matter.

Venkateswaran: Very true. That's the balance. You may have 90, but 95 people, you may not be selected at all. For

reasons because there are others who are more points than you and you will not be

selected at all because only 10,000, all the 150,000 vacancies or 150,000 or 150,000,

only 10,000 for it. Another 10,000 for plumber etc. You are not in that 10,000 if you have

the golden visa. Here it's not like that, your aspect of your occupation, your aspect of

who you are. If you have this 160 or now 180, whatever the point they say.

Salman: Thank you for sharing that with our listeners. Some very important points

there. Before we end our show, I want to thank you, of course, and also give you an

opportunity to if you want to say your last words about New Zealand's investment

immigration program, this is the time to do it. You've got the floor.

Venkateswaran: Okay. The New Zealand immigration is one of the most

straightforward investment options you can have where your money is safe. And one of

the advantages you don't have to invest before getting the visa. Like many countries,

you just have to make sure that you have sufficient funds through your due diligence

and you'll be given time to invest. You'll be initially be allowed to get another visa, come

there and invest, and then this visa will automatically be granted. This visa will be kept,

will be granted in sort of provisional and you'll be kept in suspense. Once they will give

you another visa. You enter New Zealand invest, then you get so this sort of

straightforward approach, it's very difficult to find many places. You still have to invest

and risk your money, then only apply for the visa. That's not the case in New Zealand.

You show you that you have money, then you'll get a visa temporarily to go and invest

and then come back and complete your investment, get your visa and go back so that

one's safety is assured for you.

Salman: And that's you heard it too, on the show. You know, it's all safe and secure

and a fast program. So keep news in your mind when trying to invest all over the world.

Thank you so much again for joining the show. And I want to also shout out to our

listeners that please stay tuned to the show. There will be several more episodes of

topics, we are going to talk about new programs and that you're going to keep joining in.

Thank you.

Salman: You've been listening to the investment immigration podcast by Uglobal.com.

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