Peter Xing

Real Estate Investment Advisor

Peter Xing

Real Estate Investment Advisor

Peter Xing is a real estate investment advisor at Crowdfunz Holding LLC. Led by a consultancy team, Crowdfunz Holding LLC specializes in real estate development, financial investment, and accessible fundraising. Together, the leadership team has more than twenty years of experience in numerous related fields.

Xing earned a Master’s Degree in Applied Statistics at Stony Brook University. Previously, he has worked as a commercial real estate advisor as well as a marketing strategist at various commercial real estate brokerage firms. Xing is well-versed in the areas of business development, marketing, property management and real estate acquisition.

Additionally, he specializes in several other marketable areas: social media marketing, real estate crowdfunding, real estate development, real estate financing, cross-border investments, and mergers and acquisitions.

Xing and the other members of the leadership team firmly believe in teamwork and a unified business approach. Their company, Crowdfunz Holding LLC, strives to keep fundraising and real estate investment safe and easy for their clients. They assist small investors that would like to enter the U.S. real estate market. They also assist quality sponsors by providing a simple, alternate source of funds with reduced fees and a flexible underwriting procedure.