Unfortunately, the news you received as to limitations to PR is correct for these reasons. To obtain a British Overseas Territory passport, you must first become naturalized; this makes you a British Overseas Territory citizen. Next, you apply to become a British registration citizen. Only then, with those two tasks completed, can you apply for a BOTC passport. The problem you face is that you cannot embark on step one due to the restriction in the type of residency you currently have. The immigration law states: “Any person who has been legally and ordinarily resident in the Cayman Islands for a period of at least eight years, but not more than nine years, other than the holder of a: residency certificate for persons of independent means; residency certificate for retirees; the holder of a certificate of direct investment or a direct investment holder’s (dependent’s) certified; residency holders (dependent’s) certificate; certificate of permanent residence for persons of independent means; a person who was granted permanent residence previously in circumstances analogous to (i) and (ii) above may apply to the chief immigration officer / Caymanian status and permanent residency board for permission for himself, his spouse and his dependents, if any, to reside permanently in the Cayman Islands. Have you considered cancelling the 25-year direct investment route?
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Can I become a British citizen through a Cayman Islands investor route?
I recently received a 25-year permanent resident permit through a direct investment project on Grand Cayman. I read I can’t make this permit into a British Overseas Territory passport. Is this true? How can I upgrade my residency to citizenship?