For an individual income from cryptoassets is tax-exempt, unless that individual trades cryptocurrencies and assets as a professional activity. In that case, according to an information note from Portuguese tax authorities from 2016, the individual will need to declare the income of the trading activity and pay taxes in Portugal, on the profit. Different from the US, Portugal doesn’t treat digital currency as property, and for that reason holding crypto assets is tax-exempt. However, if a person does crypto trading as a professional activity, the income is considered an income from work and subject to tax on the profit. In addition, for the moment and to apply for an ARI/Golden Visa permit, it is not possible to invest directly in cryptocurrency. The investments must be done in “fiat” by transferring funds from a bank account abroad into a bank account in Portugal, under the investor name. Afterward, the funds are used to pay for the investment in “fiat”.
Ask A Question | Learn more about Portugal
How can I as an American cryptocurrency trader save on my taxes by moving to Portugal?
Since the United States treats digital currency as property, how would this be different in Portugal if I invest in a Golden visa? Can I make my investment in cryptocurrency and how could I save on taxes?
At this moment, all golden visa investments must be made in euros. Notwithstanding, regarding crypto income, one can benefit from exemption in taxation from Portuguese Tax Authority by moving tax residency to Portugal under any kind of immigration program.
If you are a professional trader and simultaneously a US citizen, it is very likely that you cannot benefit from the tax advantages provided by Portugal with regard to capital gains and income tax on crypto.
The Portuguese government does not accept the Portugal Golden Visa investment to be made in any other currency than Euros. Furthermore, you must take into account that cryptocurrencies are mostly used as investment or protection for investors, and are not yet used in Portugal for payment and / or purchase of goods or services.