How can I extend my stay in Australia?

I came to Australia to visit my friend about two months ago. I am a Chinese citizen. Due to the virus outbreak in China, I do not want to travel back now. How can I extend my stay as a visitor?


On February 29, 2020 Lisa De Leon answered:

Depending on the conditions imposed on your current visa, it may be possible to apply for a new onshore visitor visa to extend your stay up to a maximum of 12 consecutive months.

On February 29, 2020 Christina Lim answered:

For information regarding affected Chinese citizen visitor visa holders, please refer to You must apply for another visa if you wish to remain beyond the expiry date of your current visa so as to keep your stay lawful in Australia. If you have an 8503 condition on your visitor visa, you will not be able to apply for another visa while you are onshore in Australia and you must, therefore, apply for a request of waiver of this condition as your situation is out of your control.

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