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How can I include my brother, for whom I am the legal caregiver, in my Antigua and Barbuda citizenship application?

I'm paid by the state in my home country to be the caregiver of my brother who has special health needs. He is now 33 years old, and I wonder if I can include him as a family member in my golden passport application?

  • EC Holdings
    November 28, 2023

    Antigua & Barbuda allows main applicants and spouses of main applicants to add their siblings of any age without having to show dependency once a sibling is not married.

  • Citizens International
    November 27, 2023

    You can include a sibling of any age when applying for citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda as long as the sibling is unmarried. If your brother is married and has special needs, we would need to approach the citizenship by investment unit for you for their guidance.