While Grenada offers citizenship by investment and does not require successful applicants to visit the country, the USA, on the other hand, requires any Grenadian E2 applicant to have lived in Grenada for two years.
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How can I obtain citizenship in Grenada to later apply for E-2 in the U.S.?
My family and I are interested in acquiring Grenadian citizenship through investment. Our end goal is applying for an E-2 visa to start a business in the United States. However, we don't intend to live in Grenada. How can we proceed with this plan?
Grenada still holds an E2 Visa treaty with the United States and citizens are still able to apply for said visa. However, some of the parameters have changed whereby the US authorities are requesting that a certain period of domicile is required as a pre-requisite to application. I am aware of a number of E-2 visas that were approved as recently as this year and would suggest that anyone interested in pursuing an E-2 Visa consult with an immigration attorney as to the best route and pathway to achieve the same.
Currently, there is a requirement for residence in Grenada for 3 years to apply.
There are two pathways to citizenship by investment in Grenada. One is through a non-refundable donation to Grenada’s National Transformation Fund, The other is through an approved real estate investment, which has to be retained for at least 5v years. The main investor has to be over 18 years old. Only government-approved agents can handle and submit CBI applications so I would suggest checking the licensed agents list (marketing agent) and consulting with one of them they will also assist on the E2 queries.