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How can I qualify for Italy’s dolce visa as a silent partner in a business?

An old colleague of mine owns a business in Italy and I’m considering investing in it but will only be a silent partner. Would that qualify me for the dolce visa or do I have to be actively involved in the business?

  • Mazzeschi Srl
    May 26, 2023

    You do not need to be active in the business but you will need to invest €500 (purchase shares or capital increase) and the business must be a company incorporated as Spa or Srl.

  • LCA Studio Legale
    May 26, 2023

    Should you want to invest in the equity of a company already existing and operating in Italy an amount of at least 500,000 Euros, you may apply for an Italian Investor visa, which does not require you to be actively involved in the company's business but just keep and not withdraw your investment.