How can I start the Portugal golden visa application process without investing liquid assets right away?

I want to get the Portugal golden visa before it ends but the problem is my assets are not liquidated and it’s taking some time to have enough liquidity to pursue buying property in Portugal. Is there a way to start the process with only proof of assets and then purchase the property later on, about a month at most?


On June 05, 2023 Ana Clara Maia answered:

The Golden Visa residency request has to be submitted with the proof of purchase and a bank declaration attesting the funds transfer to Portugal, which will be depending on liquidity. That said, you can't begin with just proof of assets and, then, submit the proof of purchase.

On June 05, 2023 Diogo Capela answered:

The first thing to clarify is that there is still no date for the end of the Golden Visa. However, to proceed with the GV application it is necessary that the investment has already been made.

On June 02, 2023 Raquel de Matos Esteves answered:

Please consider that for the application to be submitted on time and accepted, you need to complete the investment (pay the minimum amount required) while the program is active.

On June 02, 2023 Tiago Gali Macedo answered:

You need to make the investment before you apply, even if it is a promises contract. Anyhow, we expect the program to be in place for more than a month.

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