How can I use last-mile facilities to support my Greek Golden Visa application?

The company I own intends to purchase several last-mile storage facilities to expand our delivery business in Athens. I wonder if this can also help me get a Greek Golden Visa.


On April 13, 2020 Vasiliki Papaloi answered:

Only if you are the sole shareholder of a company and you purchase a property (even storages) in Greece valued totally 250,000 euros, then you can apply for Golden visas.

On April 14, 2020 Dimitris Foutsis answered:

If you own a Greek company 100% and buys property of value minimum 250.000 euros, then you can apply for a 5-year residence.

On April 14, 2020 Stilianos Proestakis answered:

The business branch of last-mile facilities has to be based in Greece in order to support your Greek Golden Visa application.

On April 15, 2020 Mary Tsiganou answered:

Beneficiaries of the right for a permanent residence permit, following the provisions of Greek Immigration Law, which shall be renewed every five (5) years, are third-country citizens who own real estate property in Greece, either personally or through a legal entity based in Greece or another EU member state, of which they own the total of the company shares, provided the minimum value of the property is 250,000 euros. So if you are the sole shareholder of your company and your company is based in an EU country you can proceed with the said purchase through your company. Otherwise, you could make the purchase individually and rent it to your company.

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