How can investors use capital transfers to qualify for residency in Portugal?

I've heard there's a 20 percent reduction in the investment required if one funds an artistic or cultural endeavor in Portugal. How does this work exactly? Do investors get to choose which artistic endeavor they can fund?


On April 13, 2021 Tiago Gali Macedo answered:

The Portuguese Residence Program for Investment Purposes (Golden Visa) integrates several different types of investments that qualify for an application. Among those, you can find capital transfer with a value equal to or above 250,000 euros for investment in artistic output or supporting the arts. If the investor chooses to fund an artistic endeavor, this investment amount can be reduced by 20% when the investment is performed in sparsely-populated territories. However, a specific list with all the territories that qualify for such a “discount” does not exist. Therefore, before investing, the chosen area must be analyzed in order to understand if it qualifies under those requirements.

On April 15, 2021 Diogo Capela answered:

Regarding residence permits via investment based on capital transfer applied to artistic production activities, this reduction operates if the projects chosen are specifically in low density areas. Investors may choose the projects in which they intend to invest, with services of the central and peripheral direct administration, public institutes, entities that integrate the public business sector, public foundations, private foundations with public utility status, inter municipal entities -- entities that integrate the local business sector, municipal associative entities and public cultural associations, which pursue attributions in the area of artistic production, recovery or maintenance of national cultural heritage.

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