How can people who have been vaccinated in the U.S. access Portuguese health passport?

I’m an American citizen who is looking to explore investment immigration opportunities in Portugal. Would I need a Portuguese or an EU health passport on top of my American one? What health conditions makes one ineligible for Portuguese residency via investment?


On July 26, 2021 Inês Azevedo answered:

You can be vaccinated with your U.S. passport in Portugal. With the Portuguese residence permit, you may access the National Health System but you will pay government fees as you haven't made social security discounts during your professional life.

On July 26, 2021 Tiago Gali Macedo answered:

Health conditions are not a criteria that might make someone ineligible for applying to a Portuguese residency via investment. When the residency procedure is finalized and one becomes a resident in Portugal, independently on any previously existing conditions that might exist, one has the right to enroll on the Portuguese public healthcare system, without any formalities and completely free of charge. Regarding your vaccination in the U.S., if the vaccine you were given is compliant with current EU rules, you’ll be able to freely travel in Europe, as you’ll be given an electronic vaccination certificate.

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