Yes, if you buy a house to your son who is studying in Turkey, he can get a residency permit and citizenship. And yes, if you send him the money, he can contact with a Turkey immigration consultant, and they can arrange for a purchase of a property based on the preferences and assist him to make the application either for residency or citizenship application (that also contains a residency permit within its processing).
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If I buy a house to my son who is studying in Turkey, how can he get a residency permit or citizenship there?
My son is 19 years old and holds a student visa in Turkey. Because of the Covid-19 situation, I can’t come to see him but I am considering buying a house in his name. If I send him the money, what does he need to do to apply for a residency permit or citizenship?
If your son buys a property worth $250,000 or over he can directly apply for Turkish citizenship. And if the worth of the property is lower than $250,000, he can apply for residence permit and renew the permit every year as long as he holds the title of the property.