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How can I prove that I can financially qualify for Italy’s elective resident status?

I have applied through the consulate and received a first refusal for residency based on no passive income. I own a home in Italy and am self-employed in the United States. I make well over 100k a year without living in the States and working from home. What can I do to prove that I am able to financially take care of myself without annuities? Can I send any specific documentation to reverse the refusal? I’m not old enough to get retirement yet.

  • Mazzeschi Srl
    November 29, 2023

    If Consulate sees that you are still actively working, it is hard to obtain the visa. The law states that you cannot continue working also while you are in Italy.

  • LCA Studio Legale
    November 28, 2023

    To be eligible for elective residence visa, you must prove to have a sufficient passive income i.e. an income not deriving from subordinate/autonomous work, presumably steady for the future, such as income deriving from rental of real estate properties, pensions, dividends from shares/participations in companies etc, equal to an annual gross amount not lower than 32,000 Euros.