What are the travel requirements for a temporary blue card holder?

I recently submitted my application for the Greek Golden Visa and received a temporary blue card. What are the travel requirements as a blue card holder? Can I travel in and out of Greece an unlimited amount of times? What about other Schengen Area countries? Can I travel to those countries with the blue card?


On October 08, 2018 Elissavet (Isabelle) Razi answered:

In and out of Greece unlimited times as with the regular Golden Visa. Schengen Areas not yet. You need the final Golden Visa card.

On October 06, 2018 Mary Tsiganou answered:

The authorities receiving the application issue a confirmation that the application has been submitted, provided that all the necessary documentation has been submitted with the application. This confirmation "blue card" is valid for one year and it constitutes an evidencing document until the residence permit is issued. Upon the confirmation receipt described above, you can reside legally in the country for the duration of the confirmation receipt (one year). The holder of the confirmation receipt is entitled to the benefits of the residence permit that he has applied for. Regarding the travel movements, you have the right for multiple entrances only to Greece, not to other Schengen countries.

On October 10, 2018 Spyridon Pantazis answered:

With the blue card you will have the right to visit Greece countless times. However, you do not have the same right to visit the other Schengen countries. The duration of blue card is for a year. Actually, it is just an evidence until the residency permit, the absolute sign that your application has been submitted with the relative documents.

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