Should you not be able to comply with the mandatory period of time in which you must stay in Portugal, the authorities might refuse your residence renewal application. Therefore, it would be highly advisable to spend the mandatory 7 days per year as soon as possible, even if it happens just right before the renewal appointment. As you were aiding an ill family member, should you have documental proof of that situation, you could apply it and ask the authorities for the time requirement waiving. However, it is highly unlikely such would be accepted.
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What happens if I can’t travel to Portugal for the minimum days needed annually for my Golden Visa?
I'm on my second year on Portugal’s golden visa. I've had a bad year with a close family member falling ill, and unable to travel to Portugal for the minimum of 14 days required for the visa. Is there a workaround for having to go there? Is there anything I can submit to avoid having my visa revoked?
The law indicates that each applicant has to spend in each 2-year period 14 days, consecutive or interpolated, otherwise the residence can be revoked.
The situation becomes complicated as the minimum requirements of mandatory stay in Portugal must be met for renewal purposes. You can always make a statement to SEF explaining the situation but it is extremely difficult for them to accept and make exceptions. In this sense, the only suggestion I can leave is, at least, to come the 14 days to Portugal, before the renewal, so that, on the date of scheduling, you have the minimum periods of stay fulfilled.
Non-compliance with the minimum staying requirements is analyzed case by case by the immigration office. In some cases, justifications duly documented can be accepted. Besides that, the law foresees an additional period of 6 months to renew after the expiring date. We do recommend fulfilling the 7/days year as soon as possible. Worst-case scenario, the renewal will be refused, and the applicant must apply again from the beginning.