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What happens to the current 489 and 187 visa holders of Australia?

I heard that recently the Australia home office has replaced the 489 and 187 visa categories with the new 491 and 494 visas. What happens to the current 489 and 187 visa holders?

  • Julian-Armitage Migration Lawyers (JAM)
    November 26, 2019

    Nothing, as there are grandfathering provisions to cater for those visa holders.

  • Australian Visa Options
    November 27, 2019

    The 187 visa holders are already permanent residents as the 187 is a permanent visa. The 489 visa holders still have a pathway to permanent residence through the 887 visa. Transitional arrangements exist for an existing 457 or 482 visa held prior to Nov. 16, 2019, and an applicant who is applying for a 187 visa in the Temporary Residents Transition stream. Otherwise, the 187 and 489 visas are closed to new applications.

  • Quentin Kuo Law + Immigration
    November 28, 2019

    If you already hold 489 or 187 visas, no changes will occur to you. If not yet lodged, your eligibility may change.