Resources must derive from prolific revenues (annuities, pensions), property ownership and stable economic-financial activities, but NOT from employment (it must be a “passive income”). Resources can derive
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What sources of income are acceptable for Italy’s elective residence visa?
I understand that applicants of Italy’s elective residence visas must prove to have access to legitimate income from sources other than work. What types of sources are acceptable?
Applicants of elective residence visas must indeed prove the availability of legitimate income from sources other than work and that they are able to maintain themselves autonomously through the use of such income without working in Italy. The income, which shall be regular and stable and likely to remain steady in the future, may derive from retirement or annuity, real estate properties, ownership of stable commercial activities outside Italy or other economic resources not deriving from employment activities (shall be, therefore, passive income). The amount of such resources shall be not less than 31,159.29 Euros per year.
The Elective visa applicant is requested to give evidence that he/she has pensions, annuities, dividends, rentals or any other continuous source of income