Who can qualify as a dependent for the Malta global residence program?

I am curious if each adult over 18 must submit a separate application, or if a family with children over 18 and live-in parents may apply together? How long does it take before we can get our new passports?


On June 16, 2018 Wayne Pisani answered:

For the residence program, dependents can be included under the same application but they will still need to complete separate forms for due-diligence purposes. The residency program does not entail the granting of a passport.

On June 18, 2018 Elena Koltsova answered:

In case of MIIP, "dependent" means: (a) the spouse of the main applicant in a monogamous marriage or in another relationship having the same or a similar status to marriage, unless the minister authorizes otherwise on a case-by-case basis; (b) a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse who is less than 18 years of age; (c) a child of the main applicant or of his spouse who is between the age of 18 and 26 years and who is not married and who proves, to the satisfaction of the minister, that he is wholly maintained by the main applicant; (d) a parent or grandparent of the main applicant or of his spouse above the age of 55 years who proves to the satisfaction of the minister that he/she is wholly maintained or supported by the main applicant and form part of the household of the main applicant; or (e) a child of the main applicant or of the spouse of the main applicant who is at least 18 years of age, is physically or mentally challenged, and who is living with and is fully supported by the main applicant, provided that such person has the capacity to take an oath of allegiance. All these people can go as a part of one application with the main applicant, and hence save on the fees. The process of obtaining the passport normally takes 13 to 18 months.

On June 19, 2018 Nicky Gouder answered:

Dependents means: (a) the beneficiary’s spouse or person with whom the beneficiary is in a stable and durable relationship; (b) minor children (below the age of 18), including adopted minor children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or the person mentioned in paragraph (a); (c) children who are under the age of 25, including adopted children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or the person mentioned in paragraph (a) above, provided that such children are not economically active; (d) children, including adopted children, and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or the person mentioned in paragraph (a) above, who are not minors but who because of circumstances of illness or disability of a serious gravity, are unable to maintain themselves; (e) dependent brothers, sisters and direct relatives in the ascending line of the beneficiary or the person mentioned in paragraph (a) above. Therefore, children (who are above 18 years of age) may be included as dependents if they are financially dependent on the parents. There is no route to obtaining a passport through the Malta Global Residence Programme; there is a separate program for this, the Malta Individual Investor Programme. Although the law allows for the discretion of the minister to grant citizenship after a certain number of years as resident, there is no guarantee that this will happen.

On June 21, 2018 James Scerri Worley answered:

In terms of the program a dependent is defined as being: the beneficiary’s spouse or person with whom the beneficiary is in a stable and durable relationship; minor children, including adopted minor children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or the person mentioned above; children who are under the age of 25, including adopted children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or the person mentioned above, provided that such children are not economically active; children, including adopted children and children who are in the care and custody of the beneficiary or the person mentioned above, who are not minors but who because of circumstances of illness or disability of a serious gravity, are unable to maintain themselves; dependent brothers, sisters and direct relatives in the ascending line of the beneficiary or the person mentioned above.

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