Eligibility for the Friendly Nations visa is based on citizenship and not residency. Applicants are required to provide an original passport from the eligible country and a second ID.
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Who qualifies for the Friendly Nations Panama investor visa?
I live in the U.S. on an EB-5 temporary visa but want to obtain Panama residency and, eventually, Panama citizenship. As a legal resident of the U.S., am I eligible for the Friendly Nations visa, since America is on the nations list? Or is it determined by something else, like country or birth or citizenship?
In order to qualify for a resident permit under the Friendly Nations program, the applicant must be a citizen of one of the participant countries. You may find complete list here: http://panamaimmigrationlawyer.com/countries-list.php
Please note that the Friendly Nations visa it is determined by country of birth or citizenship. It doesn't apply for residents of the Friendly Nations.