The Cayman Islands have four options for residency by way of independent means. Based on your statement below, you may prefer either the residency certificate or the certificate of permanent residence. With the residency certificate, you have the right to reside here for 25 years, and the prescribed investment amount is the lowest of all four categories of residency. With the certificate of permanent residence, you must invest a bit more ($2 million), there is no cap on the number of years of residency. You have the option of applying for a work permit (if you change your mind on that point) and end up wishing to do so. You mentioned that the direct investment option requires you to work, but that is not the case. That category merely requires you to invest at least $1 million in an "employee-generating business." It need not be your own business. You could invest in someone else's business (here on the islands, of course).
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Does the Cayman Islands have a passive investment program to establish residency?
I am interested in relocating to the Cayman Islands but don't want to take an active role in a business, which is required for the direct investment route. Please advise.