If Immigration New Zealand (INZ) approves your application for an investor visa, you will have 12 months to transfer your funds to New Zealand and invest in an acceptable investment. The acceptable investments must be able to make a commercial return, have the potential to contribute to New Zealand's economy. Investments can also be in bonds, equities, property or other investments. Philanthropic investments can make up 15% of your acceptable investments. Therefore, you need to establish to INZ that your investments meet their requirements.
Ask A Question | Learn more about New Zealand
How can investors put their money in ecofriendly projects and gain residency in New Zealand?
What options does an investor have in New Zealand if they want to put money in ecofriendly funds, or companies that working on reforestation or climate change studies, and also gain residency?
Generally, the answer is yes and normal investment rules apply in terms of gaining residence.