The Portuguese law has recently been changed and now, a holder of a Golden Visa can apply for Portuguese citizenship after five years (as per permanent residency). During these five years, the applicant must fulfill the Golden Visa requirements, such as maintaining the investment and fulfilling the permanency requirements. The permanency requirements are the following: After the submitting the Golden Visa request, the applicant must renew it after one year, and during that year, the applicant must stay in Portuguese territory during seven days (that don’t have to be continuous). After the first renewal, the applicant must renew his Golden Visa after two years (during those two years, the applicant must stay in Portugal for 14 days – again not continuous). After the second renewal, the applicant must renew his Golden Visa after another two years (during those two years, the applicant must stay in Portugal for 14 days). Completing the five years, the holder of the Golden Visa can apply for Portuguese nationality. If the applicant fulfilled the above mentioned permanency requirements and investment requirements, he is eligible for Portuguese nationality/citizenship. The other mandatory requirements are: Absence of convictions for crimes. This is proven by presenting an updated criminal record. There is also taking a Portuguese language test (simple Portuguese level), which will show that the applicant knows the language well enough. Nonetheless, we always suggest that the applicants involve themselves in the Portuguese culture and society. For example, you can obtain membership of a Portuguese football team. You can also donate to a Portuguese charity because, if the competent authority deciding on the attribution of the nationality believes that more proof is needed, those links can help support the applicant to obtain the Portuguese nationality and his link to the country.
Ask A Question | Learn more about Portugal
How can I become a citizen of Portugal as a Golden Visa holder?
I obtained my Golden Visa three years ago. My goal is to apply for Portuguese citizenship when I am eligible. I learned that after successfully holding the investment for a Golden Visa for five years, I could apply for permanent residency. And after one year, I can apply for citizenship. I want to know what the requirements to become a citizen after being a permanent resident. How many days do I have to stay in Portugal during this period? Do I need to be able to speak Portuguese?